For someone shifting or expanding in their business or life. Really ready for the next level! Committing to moving the needle. 


Crystal Soul Reading and Akashic Record Activation Session 

Experience a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual insight through your Crystal Soul Reading and Akashic Record Activation Session. This transformative session combines the ancient wisdom of Akashic Records with the powerful energy of a customized crystal grid to amplify your desires and provide you with insight on your path of expansion.


  • Akashic Record Reading

  • 13 Purposely Chosen Crystals 

  • Crystal Grid Wooden Board 

  • Selenite for cleansing 

  • PDF Guide on the crystals and grid (after session) 

What to Expect:

Custom Crystal Grid Selection: Prior to our session you will answer a series of questions to get clear on your intention. From there we will select aligned crystals and guide you to build a grid that supports your intention.  This grid is designed with specific crystals, each carefully selected to align with your unique energy and intention. The grid acts as a powerful conduit for manifesting your desires. 

Online Sessions:  You will be shipped your grid and crystals prior to our meeting. 

Akashic Record Reading: Sessions begin with me opening your Akashic Records. From there you can ask questions and we will dive into your soul's wisdom. This portion of the session offers a profound understanding of your life's purpose, karmic lessons, and spiritual potential. Common questions include things like: 

  • Why am I stalled out on…

  • How do I attract more…

  • What do I need to know before moving…

Custom Crystal Grid Creation: After the Akashic Reading you’ll be guided to build your crystal grid. You’ll write out your intention (have paper and a pen handy) Recommendations for crystal placement. Teachings around  balance and beauty. How to program your center stone. When you’re happy with your grid we’ll move onto activation. 

Grid Activation: Once you’ve built your grid is then activated with intention and energy, creating a sacred and charged space for your spiritual work. The grid acts as a beacon, amplifying your intentions and connecting you with the energies of the crystals.

Benefits of this Session:

  • Gain deeper insights

  • Feel supported in your dreams

  • Honour your intentions with energy

  • Claim and expand your dreams and desires

  • Receive guidance and clarity on your intention

  • Harness the energy and manifestation power of crystals

  • Leave feeling excited about your dreams and the possibilities

What to Bring:

Come with an open heart and mind, pen and paper and any specific questions or intentions you'd like to address during the session.

This Crystal Soul Reading and Akashic Record Activation Session offers a unique opportunity to connect with your higher self and the spiritual realm, empowering you to amplify your desires and walk your path with newfound clarity and purpose.




Please schedule your AKASHIC CRYSTAL ACTIVATION session at least 10 days in advance to allow for the careful selection and shipping of your personalized crystals. This timeframe ensures you'll have your crystals ready for the session, as having them is an intricate part of the experience. Your understanding and cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated. If less than 10 days' notice is provided, please be aware that your session may need to be rescheduled to ensure optimal preparation for this transformative experience.